The Collection is a web-television drama series set in a lavishly shot post-war Paris, which tells the story of the rise to prominence of a fictitious fashion house. Co-produced by Amazon Studios and BBC Worldwide, it premiered in September, 2016. The eight-part series was filmed in Wales, France and Pinewood Studios in the first half of 2016 and marked the first time a continental European public national broadcaster has collaborated with a major subscription video on demand platform, a global distributor and a British production company, on an English language drama.
Atomic Arts completed all the VFX work for this series. As with any period drama, while you can still find many locations in the world with original architecture intact, for the film to plausibly reflect the era being depicted, you have to ‘de-modernise’ the street furniture, cars and street technology. Often the skyline needs to be reconstituted using digital matte paintings. For this show, Atomic built a computer generated sky line of the rooftops in Paris using images from various sources and photographs taken by our photogrammetry team in Paris of the classic slate rooftops. Not one shot in the entire series was actually shot in Paris…